
Walls Construction


North Wall Quay Dublin

Construction of complex deep drainage outfalls utilising trenchless methodologies for new development in running sands on the quay walls of the Liffey River in Dublin City.

Key Features

JCL were engaged by Walls Construction to construct both the foul and storm reticulation along North Wall Quay for the new Dublin Landings Development. The project was extremely complex as the proposed design invert levels were six metres below ground level and five metres below the high tide level of the River Liffey. An existing 450mm 40bar Gas Networks Ireland transmission main also crossed the alignment of the trench 1.2m above the pipe invert level. JCL provided the engineering solutions to overcome the complexities on the project. Two segmental shaft were sunk eight metres below ground level and a fifty five metre 450mm diameter bore was completed on line and grade between the shafts in running sands.

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