We are firmly aware of our responsibilities with regard to the environments that we work in. We have substantial experience in working in environmentally sensitive locations, in Special Areas of Conservation, salmonoid rivers, etc and always strive to meet all statutory and Employer requirements in respect of these environments. In addition we are committed to sustainable construction and operate all of our projects on an environmentally friendly basis.

JCL have always had a key awareness that the very nature of our activities can be disruptive to the environments that we work in. We have always sought to respect these environments and to engage with Clients, statutory bodies (such as Inland Fisheries Ireland, Irish Parks and Wildlife) and local stakeholders, in order to develop strategies and methodologies to ensure that any environmental disruption is kept to a minimum.
In 2012 we formalised our system for environmental management on our sites, with the key premise of
“we are aware that our activities have an environmental impact and we have a commitment to minimising this impact, through accountability, policies and effective management”
The EHS Manager, Sinead Shinkins, oversaw the development of the Environmental Management Plan and manages the implementation. Our core methods for implementing the plan are;
- Site Specific Environmental Management Plans.
- Environmental Risk Assessments.
- Early engagement and subsequent compliance with statutory and regulatory bodies.
- Minimising noise, vibration and traffic disturbance within the localities that we work in.
- Minimising waste generation and promoting recycling and reusing.
- Gaining a key understanding of the products that we use and minimising the potential environmental impacts of incorrect use.
- Ongoing monthly audits and Annual Review.
Our Environmental Management System is registered to ISO 14001 by NSAI. Our certification is available to view on the links below: