Design & Build
Our Design & Build Offering
Design and Build in the civil industry has until recently been the almost exclusive preserve of the extremely big civil projects such as motorways. JCL has always had a design and build element through our emergency works which generally become design and build projects, but have sought to increase our capabilities and offering in order to meet the increasing focus on design and build projects in the civil sector - we successfully delivered our biggest Design and Build Contract to Irish Water in 2015.

JCL do not undertake design directly and as such partnership is a key element to all Design & Build projects. We embrace this approach and believe that appointment of the right design or joint venture partner is fundamental if a project is to be successful. We only team with design firms and contractors who have the same guiding principles as JCL.

Design Approach
JCL tender for design and build projects on a selective basis - when we do, we commit whole heartedly to the process, commit substantial resources and look to put our absolute best offering into the tender submission - meeting the Clients requirements and also offering value. We believe that the more complete the design is at tender stage, the more successful the project will be on site.

Ongoing Value Adding
While we invest heavily on having our upfront design as complete as possible, we also seek to adapt to on site conditions and openly seek to develop our design on an ongoing basis while on site and as a result deliver additional value to the Client. Our flexibility on site allows us to take this approach, without disrupting progress and quality on site.

Arklow Water Treatment Plant
JCL completed this project for Irish Water as part of a Joint Venture with AECOM DBIL. We appointed PUNCH Consulting Engineers as our design partners and designed and constructed a 6.1ML/day capacity new state of the art treatment plant on the site of the existing treatment plant, which remained fully operational for the duration of the project. The project included substantial in-situ concrete works, a new treatment plant building, administration building, access bridge and upgrade to 10 production wells that service the facility.
Alan Wright
Contracts Director
Alan has a degree in Civil Engineering, awarded by IT Sligo in 2000. He worked initially for a large Contractor on major infrastructure projects across the country. He joined JCL in 2010 progressing to Contracts Manager in 2013 Notable projects that he has delivered include Arklow Water Treatment Plant, Kilkenny Central Access Scheme Phase 1 and Kerry Group Enabling Works.